
Showing posts from August, 2021

Visualising Structured Cabling

When we first started out, we were given an Excel document tabling the Structured Cabling design.  It was hard to follow as it had many rows and columns. We assumed it was accurate but we had a hard time imagining the layout. We had to draw on paper to grasp how the cables were to be connected. Fortunately we had a vendor. They converted the table into a fancy Visio document.  Fancy because it puts management at ease when they see a diagram. For management, a diagram implies you have a clear idea on how it should be implemented. For the engineers, while visually accurate, the document but still difficult to read. Improvement to the table Recently, I was reviewing another data centre's structured cabling design. They grouped the ports by slots; example Ports 1-12 = Slot 1, Ports 13-24 = Slot 2, etc. So when it came to my design, I used the same idea. Removing clutter in your table makes it easier to read. This wasn't a major improvement, but the slots gave me the next idea. Vis...

Data centre expanding! Follow DC Raccoon's journey!

Our Data Centre is expanding. Follow DC Raccoon as he journeys into the DC-Den.