Correlation Coefficient Matrix
Recently I wanted to find the correlation coefficient between multiple groups of data. A correlation coefficient shows the relationship between two groups of data . A positive correlation means as one variable increase the other increases, while a negative correlation means as one variable increases the other variable decreases. The correlation of variable with itself is always 1. A zero correlation indicates no relationship. Correlation coefficient is always between -1 and 1. Positive, Zero and Negative Correlation Excel provides the CORREL function for this. It is fairly easy to use as shown by its syntax: CORREL(array1, array2) A correlation matrix is a table showing the correlation between pairs of variables . You could put the coefficients in a table like the one shown below. Implementing a Correlation Matrix function I thought of using LAMBDA instead. Such correlation matrix would be n x n table, where n is the number of data groups; number of columns from the d