Which Machine Learning Algorithm To Use?
Terminologies We learnt a few machine learning terminologies and algorithms in this blog. Supervised means we rely on labelled training data. It is task driven to identify a goal. Unsupervised means unlabeled training data. It is data driven to identify a pattern. Classification arranges data into classes/categories using a labeled dataset. Regression develops a model to predict continuous numerical values. Clustering separates an unlabeled dataset into clusters/groups of similar objects. Classification is a supervised learning algorithm, while Clustering is an unsupervised algorithm. Regression is considered supervised learning because the model is trained using both the input features and output labels - which can be numerical values. I will mention here that two other unsupervised approaches are: Association , to identify underlying relationships, and Dimension Reduction , to reduce the number dimensions/features to make calculations simpler. I did not cover any methods on a